Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Chocolate Milk :)

Mark 9:1-10

When we were kids there was something we loved that we couldn’t have very often. I had a lot of those but let’s just say chocolate milk was mine. My momma only let me have chocolate milk if I obeyed her and done all of my chores. As we know kids don’t often do exactly what their parents ask them to do so I didn’t get chocolate milk very often. Momma was pretty smart. She knew that I wouldn’t always be the best child and there were times that I wouldn’t get chocolate milk. But I learned to obey her direction so that I could get the reward.

Funny illustration I know but this is the same way in our Christian walk. There’s a reason why God doesn’t allow us to always be on the mountaintop. If my mom gave me chocolate milk no matter if I obeyed or not would I ever learn to respect her? Would our relationship ever grow if I always got my way?

Yes as Christians we would love to always be sweet little angels on the mountaintop but it’s in the valley where we learn to trust Him. What’s sad is a lot of times the valley is where we forget how great our God is. The mountains in our life are there to build us up to be strong enough to withstand the depts. of the valley. If momma would have given me chocolate milk every day, I wouldn’t have liked it as much anymore. It wouldn’t be special to me anymore. God wants us to experience just how great the mountaintop is. I believe this is why He doesn’t allow us to stay there. If we never experienced the valley we would never understand the power God has in our lives.

In verse 5 Peter told Jesus it was good for them to be on the mountaintop. Peter wanted to build tabernacles there. He knew how awesome it was to be on the mountain with God because he had experienced God’s presence there. I believe God wanted to reassure Peter, James, and John of His power because of what they were going to be experiencing in the near future, Jesus’ death and resurrection. God is doing the same thing with us today. He allows us to experience the mountaintop to get us through the valley.

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