Friday, November 12, 2010

Be lifted HIGHER Be lifted HIGHER!!

Proverbs 12:25-26

"Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression. But a good word makes it glad. The righteous should choose his friends carefully, For the way of the wicked leads them astray."

Anxiety (or worry) in our lives leads to depression. It's really amazing how little things like worrying about something can lead to something so big as depression but it does. Encouragement goes a long way. As Christians I believe one of our daily duties is to encourage someone whether it's to tell them you like their shirt to telling them they are doing a great job. Encouraging someone can really change their whole day or maybe eventually their whole life. Some people never hear a positive word. They are always down and not having a good day. Some kids are constantly put down and told how worthless they are when all it takes to lift their spirits is to encouragement them. Give them hope that there's nice people in the world. I love the song Give me your eyes by Brandon Heath. I pray everyday that God will reveal to me someone that I may be a blessing to. We never know someone's hurt, we never know where they've come from, a simple smile can even change their direction. Most of the time I really like facebook because in the mornings and all day long I feel so encouraged by everyone's posts with bible verses or just sharing a Christian song or sharing how good God is. For those of you that do that thanks so much for showing encouragement and hope to others. I call you my friends because I feel you help bring me closer to the Lord. The next verse is a WARNING: "The righteous should choose his friends carefully, For the way of the wicked leads them astray." If we surround ourselves with people who lift us up it's inevitable that we will be drawn closer to God. Surround yourselves with people would put down on you and it's inevitable you will be brought down and pulled away from God. We need to check ourselves. Are we being an uplifting friend or are we being one of these friends that God is telling us to stay away from? After we've checked ourselves then we should check our friends. Are our friends uplifting us or are they pulling us down? This is so important in our walk with Christ! There are too many other things to distract us and pull us down why allow it to be your friends? Be lifted up!


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