Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Be like Job!!

Job 1

God called Job a perfect and upright man that feared Him. Satan wanted nothing less than to see Job fail. Bad things started happening to him. By the time it was all over he had nothing left. So he threw a fit and cursed and questioned God? No! He immediately fell on the ground and worshipped God. That takes some faith! In.terse 21 Job says "the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord." Blessed be the name of the Lord! Job realized the only perfect and.permanent thing in his life was God, so when he had nothing he dell on the One who has everything! Why do we get mad at.God when bad things happen? Bad things are always going to.happen no one has a perfect life. But we do serve a perfect God. He wants to know we are going to.stand by Him no matter what.

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