Friday, November 12, 2010

A little lie or a BIG lie?

"Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, But those who deal truthfully are His delight. A prudent man conceals knowledge, but the heart of fools proclaims foolishness." Proverbs 12:22-23

No one really likes a liar. We've all heard since we were kids that a little lie leads to bigger lies. Proverbs 12:22-23 is saying God doesn't like liars either. An abomination is somethings that "nauseates" God. It is better to remain silent that to have lying lips (says my study bible). Proverbs is full of God's guidance and direction and I am just loving reading it. God not only says don't lie he follows it with what will happen if you don't. "But those who deal truthfully are His delight." God delights in His people that speak the truth. It's so easy to tell lil white lies. You're telling a story and you just slip in that the fish was a little bit bigger than it really was. That may not be hurting anyone no but it does hurt God. What is our need for lying? It's sin. So no matter how big or small we shouldn't do it.


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