Monday, August 2, 2010

Just another manic Monday...

I don't really have lots of time to write this morning but I felt I needed to at least share this. It's been a little bit of a crazy morning already. The devil has tried his best to get me down and he's still working on it. BUT I'm SO glad God reminded me of this this morning... "The God of my rock; in Him will I trust: He is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge, my saviour; thou savest me from violence. I will Call on the LORD, who is worthy to be PRAISED: so shall I be saved from mine enemies." 2 Samuel 22:3-4. My worst day is NOTHING compared to what He went through  the day He died for ME on Calvary and He is SO worthy to be PRAISED there's no reason why I shouldn't have a smile on my face!

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