Matthew 6:9-13
Every day I find something or am reminded of something God has done great for us. He knows us so well that He even knew there would be a need for a model prayer. God wanted us to know how to talk to Him. This prayer is a perfect example that He wants us to talk to Him. Why would He have given us an example if He didn't? I also know that God wants to answer our prayers. In Matthew 6:8 it says Our Father already knows the things we have need of before we ask. Some may say then what's the need of prayer. I believe God wants to know we fully rely on Him. He needs to hear our prayers and concerns and He wants to know that we believe He will answer! Because of this we can then believe NOTHING is impossible with God. (Luke 1:37) On AFR this morning a popular Christian artist was sharing that it's so sad that a lot of times as Christians we put God in a box. She said something that I can't get off my mind, God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, so this means the same miracles He performed in the days of Moses He can do TODAY. The reason we think He doesn't is because we put boundaries on Hiim. My prayer is for God to move freely in my life. My desire is to see Him do the IMPOSSIBLE! I never want to put boundaries on God again! Luke 1:37 is an awesome verse alone but knowing that it was written right after verse 36 that says Elizabeth, who wasn't able to have children, and is now with child is just amazing! She expected nothing less from God than the impossible and He did just that in her life! He can do it in ours too! Never say never because FOR WITH GOD NOTHING SHALL BE IMPOSSIBLE!
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